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## Kasaya Pahade Supta [5 Sankrama-Arthadhikār]
The five *sankrama-arthadhikār* are the states of *pratigraha*. There are seventeen *pratigraha* states for the *asanyata-samyagdṛṣṭi* (uncontrolled right faith). When *samyaktva* (right faith) and *samyagmithyātv* (right-wrong faith) are combined, there are nineteen *pratigraha* states. Considering the *bandha* (bondage) pattern, twenty *pratigraha* states are not possible, therefore, twenty *pratigraha* states are prohibited. When the *mithyātv* (wrong faith) of the *asanyata-samyagdṛṣṭi* (uncontrolled right faith) is destroyed, the *samyagmithyātv* (right-wrong faith) *pratigraha* state does not remain. Therefore, after removing *samyagmithyātv* (right-wrong faith) from the aforementioned nineteen *pratigraha* states, there are eighteen *pratigraha* states. Again, when the *samyagmithyātv* (right-wrong faith) of the said being is destroyed, the *samyaktva* (right faith) state does not remain as a *pratigraha* state, therefore, there are seventeen *pratigraha* states. The *samyagmithyā-dṛṣṭi* (right-wrong faith) being does not have any *sankrama* (transition) of any *pratigraha* state of *darśana-mohaniya* (perception-delusion). Therefore, even though the three *pratigraha* states of *darśana-mohaniya* (perception-delusion) remain, there are seventeen *pratigraha* states. There are thirteen *pratigraha* states for the *sanyata-asanyata* (controlled-uncontrolled) being. When *samyagmithyātv* (right-wrong faith) and *samyaktva* (right faith) are combined, there are fifteen *pratigraha* states. Considering the *bandha* (bondage) pattern, sixteen *pratigraha* states are not possible, this is clear. Similarly, twelve and eight *pratigraha* states are not possible. When a *sanyata-asanyata* (controlled-uncontrolled) being destroys *mithyātv* (wrong faith), there are fourteen *pratigraha* states without *samyagmithyātv* (right-wrong faith). When the same being destroys *samyagmithyātv* (right-wrong faith), there are thirteen *pratigraha* states. There are nine *pratigraha* states for the *pramatta* (distracted) and *aprammatta* (undistracted) *sanyata* (controlled) being. Therefore, when *samyagmithyātv* (right-wrong faith) and *samyaktva* (right faith) are combined, there are eleven *pratigraha* states. Again, when the being destroys *mithyātv* (wrong faith), there are ten *pratigraha* states. When the same being destroys *samyagmithyātv* (right-wrong faith), there are nine *pratigraha* states. There are also nine *pratigraha* states in *apūrva-karaṇa* (previous action). Therefore, when *samyagmithyātv* (right-wrong faith) and *samyaktva* (right faith) are combined in these nine *pratigraha* states of *upasama-samyagdṛṣṭi* (subdued right faith), there are eleven *pratigraha* states. There are also nine *pratigraha* states for *kṣayika-samyagdṛṣṭi* (destroying right faith) without *samyaktva* (right faith) and *samyagmithyātv* (right-wrong faith). There are five *pratigraha* states for the *anivṛtti-karaṇa* (non-returning action) *upasamaka* (subduer) who has twenty-four *pratigraha* states. Therefore, when *samyagmithyātv* (right-wrong faith) and *samyaktva* (right faith) are combined, there are seven *pratigraha* states. Again, when the *napuṁsaka-veda* (neuter gender knowledge) and *strī-veda* (female gender knowledge) are subdued, the *puruṣa-veda* (male gender knowledge) *pratigraha* state does not remain. Therefore, there are six *pratigraha* states. After the two types of *madhyama-krodha* (moderate anger) are subdued, the *sanjvala-krodha* (burning anger) *pratigraha* state does not remain. Therefore, there are five *pratigraha* states. After the two *mānak-pāya* (pride-attachment) are subdued, the *mānas-sanjvala* (pride-burning) *pratigraha* state does not remain. Therefore, there are four *pratigraha* states. After the two *māyā-kṣaya* (illusion-attachment) are subdued, the *māyā-sanjvala* (illusion-burning) *pratigraha* state does not remain. Therefore, there are three *pratigraha* states. Again, after the two *lobha-pāya* (greed-attachment) are subdued, the *sanjvala...