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## 251
[Chapter 23]
6. The author desires to explain the concept of *sankrama* (transition). 7. *Sankrama* is the transition of time in relation to *sangraha* (collection) and *vavahara* (conduct). 8. *Sankrama* is also the transition of establishment and the transition of name and essence. 9. *Noaagama* (non-arrival) *dravya* (substance) *sankrama* should be considered. 10. *Kshetra* (field) *sankrama* is like the transition of the *uddalo* (upper world). 11. *Kala* (time) *sankrama* is like the transition of *hemanta* (winter). 12. *Bhaava* (essence) *sankrama* is like the transition of *prema* (love). 13. The *noaagama* *dravya* *sankrama* is of two types: *karma* (action) *sankrama* and *nokarma* (non-action) *sankrama*. 14. *Nokarma* *sankrama* is like the transition of *kattha* (wood). 15. *Karma* *sankrama* is of four types: *payadisa* (nature) *sankrama*, *didisa* (position) *sankrama*, *anubhaga* (part) *sankrama*, and *padesa* (location) *sankrama*. 16. *Payadisa* *sankrama* is of two types: *egegapayadisa* (individual nature) *sankrama* and *payaditthana* (nature location) *sankrama*.
Because, from the perspective of *sangraha*, there is no distinction between past, future, etc. in relation to time, and from the perspective of *vavahara*, only conduct is possible. The *rijusuutra* (straight sutra) excludes *kala* *sankrama* and *sthapana* *sankrama*. Because it does not deal with *tadhava* (derived) *saamaanya* (general) and *saadrusya* (similarity) *saamaanya*. The *shabdanaaya* (word meaning) deals with *naama* *sankrama* and *bhaava* *sankrama*. Because it is not possible to deal with the remaining *nikshepa* (deposits) in the *shabdanaaya* in a purely synonymous form.
Now, the *sankrama* is explained in relation to *nikshepa*. Among the six types of *nikshepa* mentioned above, *naama* *sankrama*, *sthapana* *sankrama*, and *dravya* *sankrama* in relation to *aagama* are easy to understand. Therefore, the *churnikaara* (commentator) describes the remaining *nikshepa* without mentioning them.
*Churnisoo* - *Noaagama* *dravya* *sankrama* is multifaceted, therefore it should be postponed for now. *Kshetra* *sankrama* is like the transition of the *uddalo*. This means that when the inhabitants of the *uddalo* come to the *madhyalo* (middle world), this is *kshetra* *sankrama*. When the rainy season ends and the winter season arrives, this is *kala* *sankrama*. When the affection for one person shifts to another person, this is *bhaava* *sankrama*.
*Churnisoo* - The *noaagama* *dravya* *sankrama* that was postponed earlier is of two types: *karma* *sankrama* and *nokarma* *sankrama*. *Nokarma* *sankrama* is like the transition of *kattha* (wood).
*Visheshartha* - The transition from one place to another using a boat made of wood, etc. is called *kattha* *sankrama*. This example is indicative, therefore, *prastara* (stone) *sankrama*, *mrittika* (clay) *sankrama*, *loha* (iron) *sankrama*, etc., all types of transitions based on substances fall under *nokarma* *sankrama*.
*Churnisoo* - *Karma* *sankrama* is of four types: *prakriti* (nature) *sankrama*, *sthiti* (position) *sankrama*, *anubhaga* (part) *sankrama*, and *padesa* (location) *sankrama*. Among these, *prakriti* *sankrama* has two types: *ekaeka* *prakriti* (individual nature) *sankrama* and *prakriti* *sthana* (nature location) *sankrama*.