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## Chapter 22: Explanation of the Anuyoagdwara of the Division of the Realms of the Original Nature
**(2-3)** The two Anuyoagdwara, **Sarv-Pradesha-Vibhakti** and **No-Sarv-Pradesha-Vibhakti**, respectively consider the **Sarv-Pradesha** and **No-Sarv-Pradesha** of Karmas. **Sarv-Pradesha-Vibhakti** refers to the presence of all realms of a Karma in the intended Karma, while **No-Sarv-Pradesha-Vibhakti** refers to the presence of less than all realms of a Karma. Both types of Vibhakti are found in **Mohaniya Karma**.
**(4-5)** The two Anuyoagdwara, **Utkrisht-Pradesha-Vibhakti** and **Anutkrisht-Pradesha-Vibhakti**, respectively consider the **Utkrisht-Pradesha** and **Anutkrisht-Pradesha** of Karmas. **Utkrisht-Pradesha-Vibhakti** refers to the presence of the most excellent realms of a Karma, while **Anutkrisht-Pradesha-Vibhakti** refers to the presence of realms less than the most excellent. **Mohaniya Karma** has both **Utkrisht-Pradesha** and **Anutkrisht-Pradesha**.
**(6-7)** The two Anuyoagdwara, **Jghan-Pradesha-Vibhakti** and **Ajghan-Pradesha-Vibhakti**, respectively consider the **Jghan** and **Ajghan** realms of Karmas. **Jghan-Pradesha-Vibhakti** refers to the presence of the most inferior realms of a Karma, while **Ajghan-Pradesha-Vibhakti** refers to the presence of realms above the most inferior. **Mohaniya Karma** has both **Jghan-Pradesha** and **Ajghan-Pradesha**.
**(8-11)** The **Sadi**, **Anadi**, **Dhruv**, and **Adhruv-Pradesha-Vibhakti** respectively consider the **Utkrisht**, **Anutkrisht**, **Jghan**, and **Ajghan** realms in terms of their **Sadi**, **Anadi**, **Dhruv**, and **Adhruv** nature. In the original nature, **Mohaniya Karma** has **Utkrisht**, **Anutkrisht**, **Jghan**, and **Ajghan** realms. In the Anuyoagdwara, the Karmas are considered in terms of their **Anadi**, **Dhruv**, and **Adhruv** nature.