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## Chapter 22: Description of the Time and Division of the Twenty-Six Nature-States
**82. How long is the time for the twenty-six nature-states for a Kevalin?** It is from the beginningless to the endless.
**83. For a Bhavy, it is from the beginningless to the finite.**
**84. For a Samyag-Mithyatva-Udvellana-Karaka, it is from the finite to the finite.**
**85. Among these three types of time, the finite-to-finite time is the shortest, which is a single moment.**
A being with twenty-six nature-states, who is a Mithyatva-Tishthi without the Samyaktva nature-state, experiences the twenty-six nature-states for an immeasurable amount of time, like a moment, and then, through the Udvellana of Samyag-Mithyatva, becomes ready to attain Upashma-Samyaktva when only a moment remains in the Udvellana-Kala. Then, by purifying the Antahkarana, he enters the first state of Mithyatva, where all his Gopuccha are destroyed except two.