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Kasaya Pahud Sutta
[2 Prakruti Vibhakti 23. Thus everywhere (2). 24. That which is the Dvavyavihutti, the Karmavibhakti, that is the Payadam. 25. There the Suttagaha. (4) In the Payadi, the Mohaniya Vibhakti, as well as the Tridi, in the Anubhage.
Ukaslamanukassan Jhinamajhina va Thidiyan va ||22|| Audayik and Kshayik, the simultaneous intention of these two states is not to be spoken of. The Audayik state is in division with the Kshayopaśamik state, and the Audayik and Kshayopaśamik, the simultaneous intention of these two states is not to be spoken of. The Audayik state is in division with the Pariṇāmik state, and the Audayik and Pariṇāmik, the simultaneous intention of these two states is not to be spoken of.
Churnisu - Thus, know everywhere (2) ||23||
Vishesharth - Just as three bhangas have been said due to the combination of self and other in the Audayik state, in the same way, three bhangas each should be known separately due to the combination of self and other in the four states of Upaśamik, Kshayopaśamik, Kshayik, and Pariṇāmik. At the end of the Sutra, Yativṛṣabhacharya (2) has written the number two, which means that out of the three bhangas of Dvavyavibhakti, Kshetravibhakti, Kalavibhakti, Bhavavibhakti, and Sansthanavibhakti, only two bhangas should be taken in the Prakruti, because while depositing the Vibhakti, it is not possible to take the Avyavibhakti which has a meaning opposite to the Vibhakti. Here, there may be a doubt that if this is the case, then the Sutrakar should not have said 'Avaktvyabhang' either, because it also lacks the meaning of Vibhakti? But the solution to this is that without Vibhakti, the combination of Vibhakti and Avyavibhakti is not possible, and without that, Avaktvyabhang is not possible, therefore, Avaktvyabhang has been taken along with Vibhakti. Here, there may also be a doubt that why did the Churnikar not speak of the two bhangas through letters and (2) why did he write only the number two? The solution to this is that if he had expressed his intention through letters instead of writing the number two, then his Churnika would not have been called 'Vṛttisutra', then it would have been called by names like Tika, Padhatika, etc. Therefore, wherever Yativṛṣabhacharya has established numbers to express such things, he has done so to make the name of his Churnika 'Vṛttisutra' meaningful. Acharya Yativṛṣabha has been remembered as 'Vṛttisutra-karta' by Viraseṇācharya in the Mangal-gāthā 'So Vittisuttakatta Jaiva Saho Me Varam Deu'.
Churnisu - Out of these above-mentioned Vibhaktis, the Karmavibhakti, which is under the Dvavyavibhakti, is the purpose here. This (to be spoken of) Sutra-gāthā is about it ||24-25||
(4) The Mohaniya Karma's Prakruti Vibhakti, Sthiti Vibhakti, Anubhag Vibhakti, Utkrishta Anutkrishta Pradesh Vibhakti, Kshina Akshina and Sthityantika should be described ||22||