30 ]
That adj. (302) affected. 277 ( 164, 230 ) began. arer ( 443) to cause to be returned.
HTT, al (297, 409 ) wrongly spelt for सम्मान, सम्मानिता. Hyer (261 etc.) wrongly written for a
aco ( 303 ) an assembly-hall built by gods, where a kevalin preaches.
+36+( 356 ) to descend. angf1944 ( 555) deeds done by several persons collectively. Their fruit also is enjoyed collectively,
are adj. ( 62 ) excellent. faefaret ( 526 ) name of a temple. GETAH ( 241 ) palanquin. Eto n. ( 525 ) m. according to M. W.' FACE ( 153, 391, 393 ) to destroy the effect of. trana adj. (446) shouted to, challenged. EGZE12 (119, 166 ) heart-break.
Lastly I thank the custodians of the bhandars. at' Ambala city,' Nakodar, Patti and Zira for kindly lending me the MSS of this work.
Mul Raj Jain