(267, 433) to escape.
fanfaar adv. (84, 176) in all directions. (521) a temple consecrated to a god. (197) a musical instrument. FCFA (95, 547) an act involving, or a person causing, no injury to animal life.
fera f. (526) A word repeated thrice by Jains at the threshold of a religious place and suggesting the discontinuation of all worldly activity while a person
is in.
(278) backward steps.
f. (53) an idol, a puppet. (322, 359 ) back, surface. ayu (54) to bring to senses.
ff. (511) plan (?).
प्रहरिक (249) प्राहरिक m. (333) watchman. m. (144) guest.
afari (520) eight formalities of performed by gods at the arrival of a Jina. adj. (104, 106 ) free from animal life.
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(201) to exert force.
(24) a folded betel leaf with arecanuts representing a royal command.
(463) to sink.
(177) festival, great rejoicing. (315, 383) to take leave of.
(121) a kind of karman which infatuates or deludes the soul.