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Fearing death at the hands of Citrasena, Ratnacũļa put a blade of grass in his mouth and sued for mercy. ( 420—449 )
Life being granted to him Ratnacūçla related his own story: "I had learnt the Vidyās on the Gandhamādana mount, but on my way back, I lost my lore on being attracted towards Hemamālī's wife. I fettered and nailed Hemamālī and eloped with his wife. But on enquiry she turned out to be a girl belonging to my own gotra. On seeing you, King Citrasena, coming to the help of Hemamali, all my friends ran away and I am left alone to seek forgiveness." Citrasena praised his virtuous conduct and let him go his own way. (450_461)
As a mark of gratitude Hemamāli presented' to Citrasena a couple of novelties-- magic cot by which one could fly at will from one place of pilgrimage to another through the air, and a rod that could kill and bring again to life anybody. Ratnacuda also presented to the king a pill by eating which a