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man could change his form. At last they took leave of Citrasena and repaired to their respective cities. (462-472)
Then Citrasena resumed his march against his enemy, Simhasekhara, and conquered him with the help of the magic rod. He was, however, pleased at the valour of the opposing forces, revived the dead soldiers and appointing Simhasekhasa as his governor in Simhapura returned to his capital. (473_494)
He was received by his wife, son, minister and people with great eclat. Citrasena and Padināvatī devotedly undertook to observe the twelve vows of a Śrāvaka and paid their homage to monks. (495–510)
One day they decided to test the magic power of the cot and resolved to visit the various places of pilgrimage. Through the magic power of the cot they reached the Astăpada mount where Bharata had built the temple, called Simhanişadyā. They worshipped and praised the Jinas and returned home.(511-541)