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encamped in the Dandaka forest, the king heard at night the moaning of a man. He went in the direction of the sound and found at a small distance a man fettered and nailed to a tree. The king at once set the man free and enquired who he was and why he was in such a plight. Thereupon the man narrated his story thus: "I am Hemamali, the son of Hemaratha and his wife Hemamālā of Hemapura situated in the North range of the Vaitaḍhya mountain: With my wife Hemaculă I was enjoying all the pleasures of life. One day we went out on a pilgrimage to the Nandiśvara continent. Ratnacuda, wicked Vidyadhara, was enamoured of the beauty of my wife and followed us. Finding a suitable opportunity he put ine in fetters and eloped with my wife." This made the king furious with rage. He marched against the Vidyadhara and finding him seated under a tree challenged him, "O adulterer! Where can you go?" In the fight that ensued, Citrasena overpowered his enemy.