[भगवान महावारउल्लेख उसका विवेचन हम पहले कर चुके हैं।
उपरोक्त उद्धरणोंके अतिरिक्त 'महावग्ग' में निम्नके परोक्ष जैन उल्लेख और मिलते हैं - .
1 "At that time the Parbbájnkas belonging to Titthiya schools assembled on the fourteenth, fifteenth and eighth day of each half month and recited their Dhamma, The people went to them in order to hear the Dhamma. They rere filled with favour towards and were filled with faith in the Paribbajakas belonging to Titthiya schcols, The Paribbajakas belonging-to Tittbiga School gained adheronts "l II, I, I. -
2 "How can these Sakyaputtiya Samnas go on their travels alike during rioter, summer and the rainy season? They crush the green heb', they irurt Vegetable life, they destroy the life of mauy small liviug things. Shall the ascet.cs who belong to Totthiya Schcols,...) etile during the rainy season etc.': III, 1,2.
3. "Let no one, O Bhikkhus, take upon himself the vos of silence, as the Tittligas do. He who dces, commits a dukhata nffence."s IV, 1,13.
__पहले उद्धरण में तिथियोके साधुओंका यह नियम बतलाया है कि वे प्रतिपक्षकी अष्टमी, चतुर्दशी और पूर्णमासीको एकत्रित
१. Vinayn Tests S. B. I XIII. p. 239. १ २. Itd. p 238. ३. Ibrd p. 328.