Buddhists the following pannaca vānijyā are prohibited sale of living beings, sale of weapons, snle of fish, sale of flesh and the sale of spirituous liquor. It is no doubt true that a true Jaing and a true Buddhist will" not hurt the feelings of others, por will they violate tho principles of Jainism and Buddhism. The most important precept of Jainism is "Do your duty, do it as humanely as you can." Thus we see that both the Jains and Buddhists propound the most noble doctrines wbich are beneficial to the world
Sex hinds of substances or Dravyas are recognised in Jainism .-(1) Dharndstikdya, (2) Adharmastihâya, (3) Aldishastıkaya, (4) Pudgalâstikaya, (5) Turistikaya and (6) Kala.
(1) Dharmástkaya-The Jaina idea of Dharmástihdya. is almost similar to Paticcasamuppāda ( dependant ori. jination ) of the Buddhists
(2, 3 & 5) Adharmãstrlaya, Aláshastıkaya and Jivastikaya are unknown to Buddhism
(4) Predgalîstıkaya --According to the Jains, it is the substance, the nature of which is that its qualities, colour, eto increase and decrease. Matter is made up of atom8 The atom 18 minute, permanent and has no pradesas This idea is absent in Buddhism, Buddhism preaches impermanency of all things except Arbbanc and ählisadhâtı
God-In Buddhism as well as Jainism there is no creator-agod. But however in Jainism we have the foilowing conception of God.
(1) Something superior to ordinary man (2) A real living being, not a bare principle. (3) Self-existent