pro Mohhha-In Jainism it means a complete freedom of the soul from the karmic matter. This idea is unknown to Buddbisin,
There are many things in Jainism which are unknown to Buddhism e g. sàdhana, adhikarana, Sthiti, Vidhing etc,
Sravaka-- In Jainism any householder who follows the teaching of the Tirthankaras is called & srâval. In Buddhism srõvake means generally a Bhikkhu or & Sramana, particularly an Arahat or a disciple of the Buddha who has destroyed all sins, and has obtained Nirvīns in this present existence.
Right Conduct-It is the third jewel in Jainism. It means leading & life according to the light gained jointly by the first two, viz , right conviction and right knowledge. This idea is quite different from that of the Buddhist Tiratans ( three jewels )
Right Knowledge. The Buddhist view is to see things as they are, and not to take & wrong viery of things. The Jaina viey 18 exactly the same. But in Jainism there are fire kinds of right knowledge wbich are absent in Buddhism.
False knowledge According to the Buddhists, false knowledge is not to bave any snowledge of four noble truths, Dukkban, Dukkhasamoděyam, Dukkbanirodban, and Dukkhanirodhagãminipatipadā. This idea is absent in Jainism,
As to the ethics of the Jains and the Buddhists we should note that both the Jains and the Buddhists prohibit the slaughter of living beings. All kinds of intoxicants are prohibited in Jainism as well as Buddhism. Certain trades are probibited to the Jainas, viz. fishing, butchery,
bolesale slaughter of living beings, brewing, and to the