human world. Undoubtedly he had a strong faith in theeffect of karma. In Buddhism too there are various divisions of karma and there are many kinds of acts or consequences which are manifested in their true aspecte in the Buddha's knowledge or the consequences of karma.
Jiva and Ajiva-According to Jainism Jiva means soul, Ajiva means non-soul. In Buddhism Jiva means living principle (life, prán). Ajiva means lifeless thing. According to Jainism Jiva and Ajiva are in combination and the link between them is that of karma. (of Outlines of Jainsim by Mr. Jagmanderlal Jaini)
Soul-In Jainism it is affected by attachment, aversion, affection, infatuation, in the form of the four passions helped by the activity of body, mind and speech. This activity is known as Yoga There are two kinds of Asrava Bnavasrava and Dravyasrava. Bhavasrava means the condition of the soul which makes Asrava possible and Dravyasrava means the actual matter attracted by the soul It is what the Jains call objective Asrava. This idea is quite different from that of Buddhism. In Buddhism ǎsrva means sin and it refers to karma (sensual pleasure), bhava (birth), ditthi (false belief) and avijjă (Ignorance).
Bandhana-In Jainism it means bondage and it is of four kinds. In Buddhism it meane Samyojana Bandhana in Jainism is almost akin to Samvara in Buddhism which means restraint in body, mind and speech. It really means that the inflow of karmic matter may be stopped for the soul is independent.
Nirjard-There 18 nothing like this in Buddhism. In Jainism it means the falling away of the karmic matter from soul. The fetters themselves may fall down, and the soul may become free.