(10) Dr Charpontior rejects the data nnd prefer the dnto 468 B. C. Ilus viow in, however, contradicted by a passage in the Digha Nilaya (1. JOG) Wo koor on the authorities of tho Simngilina Sutlaats of ** Majjhima Nikaya (II, 23) and tho Palha Satuabia 4 tho Digha Nikija (III., P 1.) tint Blahirira preda ceased Buddhn by a few seara Dr. llocralo thinks Dahărirn died some firo soins before the Buddha. 16 niny rory well assume that the great prophet of about 500 B. C. 10 round numbre Tarjhnunna do 3 vira tag undoubtedly a roscaler of things seen *F* heard by him Ho maa highly cuteomed by tho people The Rccords describo him ng noblu, worioua, fall of Isito, kaotlodge and rirtuo, the best of thown who towy Nirvana Buddha, his contemporary, sny alro afore preachor Io well, I think, not bo quito out of place discuss here a low topics of tho royal religious founded by these liro eminent toon and noto their points of similarity and dissimilarity.
Akäsit-In Jainism at menna spacc. Space hast divisions -Loko (universe) and Aloha (tho popudITA In the upiyorse there aro six Drasyns. In tho Aloha to is only endless space. We do not find oxactly this in Buddhism
Karina-Jaipiam recognises various kinds of unrhe Mabū vira holds that the evil or good which is given all sentient crcatures is the fruit of tho karmn of lo oxistences They áro born through the causo anu reason of love and desire. Through cau80 atd. are old age and disease. Wo find tho 8amo ided Buddhism. Mabăvira holds that many mor havo 'born according to their morit as inhabitants
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