It gives me great pleasure to accede to the request of Mr. Kamba Prasad Jain, to put down a few words of introduction to his volume on es Bhagvän Mahävira aur Sambuddha.” Mr. Jain has already made his name as a researcher in the, field of Janism by his well-known works, “Bhagvẩn Mahãvira” and “Bhagvẩn Mahävıra aur Unků Upadesa" The present volume is very useful addition to the literature on the subject. It is ably written in very simple Hindi. The author has, in this treatise, discussed the following topics:-India at the time of Mahavira and the Buddha, early life of these two teachers, their household and religious life, attainment of knowledge, preachings and the respective dates of their advent He has elaborately dealt with the Dharma of Mahavira and the Buddha, and has noted points of similarity and dissimilarity between the two religions In the footnotes he has acknowledged his indebtedness to the authors from whom he has taken help. He has taken pains to consult the original Buddhist and Jain texts.
Jainism played an important part in the religious history of Ancient India There can be no doubt that it is older than Buddhism. According to tradition the principles of Jainism existed in India from the earliest times There is probably a refernce to Jainism in the Adiparva of the Mahabharata.
It appears from the, Samyutta, Nikãya,that Mahãvıra was senior to the Buddha in age (1.68) The traditional date of Mahavira's death corresponds to the year 470 before the foundation of the Vikrama Era, i. e 528 B.C.
(Cambridge History of Ancient India, Vol. I, p. 155 ).