के निरूपण में सहायता ली थी।४ अतएव यह नहीं कहा जा । सकता कि मंखलि गोशाल की मान्यताओं का प्रभाव भ. महावीर पर पड़ा था।
8 "The Digambaras appear to have been re garded as an old order of ascetics and all of these heretical teachers betray the influence of Jainism in their doctrines".-Indian Antiquary, Vol. IX page 161.
"The preceding four Tirtha karo (Mankhalı Goshal, Purna Kassapa & others) appear all to have adopted some or other doctrines or practices of the Jaina system, probably from the Jains themselves ................ It appears from the preceding remarks that Jain ideas and practices must have been current at the time of Mahavira and independently of him. This combined with other arguments, leads us to the opinion that the Nirgranthas (Jainas) were really in existence long before Mahavira, who was the reformer of the already existiny sect."-Prof. Hermann Jacobi, Indian Antiquary IX 162.