equal to 2 ordinary dandas. Such padas are called 'maha. pādas'.
In every habitat whether a temple palace or even an ordinary house, there must be at least 5 doorways. This rule is sometimes taken to mean also that in a 'garbhagraha' or 'holy of holies', the number of door ways should be 5. This the commentator adds is desirable whenever it is possi. ble! The text however allows 1, 2, 3, or 4 doorways also.
Temples shall generally have gopuras1 or towers over the gates. The temple proper must have a grand basement (adhisthāna) and it should generally face east. The kitchen shall be in the quarter of Gandharva or Agni and yagasala for performing Homas in the Bhallața or Danta quarter.
The Kalyana Mandapa is built in the portion called Röga or Vanhi and the temple of the principal Dēvis is built in Mitra or Sõșa. The surrounding deities are assigned to the Bhāskara and shadhara plots. The hall for keeping articles of all kinds is built in Bhujanga, and next to it are arranged the garden and the tank. The holy of holies is to be either in Mitra or Daurāra or it may be in the centre of the site. The principal deity in a Vişnu temple may be one of the well-known forms of the Avatārs or those called Sridhara Janārdhana, Acyuta, Närāyaņa, Mādhava, Govinda, Anantaśayana etc. The deity may be in standing, sitting or lying posture. In Siva temples the forms of Vrsa bhārudha. Nata
1. The word 'go-pura' is derived from 'go' a direction and Pr = to protect or fill ( 9 - 9159 qui:). The gopuras are so called because they protect the 4 quarters of the temple or city. A Vimana is sometimes built like a gopura in outside appearance. But the distinction is easily noticed. The Vimana is hollow and is built over the holy of holies and it has no series of floors whereas a gopura is built over the gateway and has a series of floors. The central tower in the Big Temple of Tanjore is a Vimana and is hollow upto the top.
2. The description of these forms is to be found in the texts relating to Soulpture' such as Sakaladhikara of Agastya, Citra karma Sastra of Brahma and of Sarasvati, Kasyapiya and Agamas.