from 100 to 800 dandas but not more. The dimensions are often determined by the height of the principal Deity which determines, in turn, the Garbhagļha, Pürvamandapa, Bhadramandapa, Dhwajastambha, Bali Peetha and Prākāra and hence the total site.
The doorway :- A cryptic rule is laid down for all doorways. It runs as follows :- The dimension of a doorway is either 3 pädas of a danda or $ a danda or a full danda. This dimension is successively increased by a päda for bigger door ways'. The commentator finds it difficult to reconcile this statement with other texts and he has therefore given the general and special rules as per other texts liko Vandi låstu Săstra'. The general rule is that the danda is divided into 6 parts and each part is called a 'päda'. If tho width of the door way is 3 pādas, the height is 6 pādas. Views other than this general view are sought to be read into the text. Here the commentator does not succeed. At the en he gives the rule as observed in practice for door ways of temples up to 12 door ways. This maximum number occurs in temples or palaces with 7 prākāras. They are as follows:
No. of doorway 1st doorway
Width 3 pādas
Height 6 padas
3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Oth 10th 11th 12th
These figures are also adopted for bigger doorways in which the păda is taken to be 1/6 of rājadanda which is