rāja, Dakşiņāmurthy, Candrasekhara, Pasunāyaka, Lineðd. bhava, etc. are to be placed. The special deities of local tradition shall also find place in the temple. The shape of the holy of holies shall follow the shape of the site of the temple either a square or a rectangle or other form. The dimensions shall be 2 Dandas or 4 and may be increased to 14 dandas. It may contain a series of platforms each higher than the other or a flight of steps. It shall be provided with strong doors and double latches. Its height may be 10 cubits or more and it shall be covered with a canopy or Vimana ornamented by small turrets and apartment-like construc. tions. The central shrine may have a single enclosure or it may have more. Mandapas in front with 100 pillars and 1000 pillars may be added as also special Manda pas for monthly and yearly festivals and for other purposes. Series of halls with passages shall also be constructed in appropriate places.
PALACES Next we come to palaces. This may be constructed either in the centre of the city or at the place assigned for it in particular types of cities. The form of the site is best chosen as a square. But rectangular sites are also allowed. The dimension may be anything from 50 to 500 dandas or it may be 1/8 or 1/16 of the entire area of the city. The several buildings shall usually have storeys, and special halls on the 1st and 2nd floor called Candra Salas shall also be constructed. The palace may have a single gate or 2 or 4. The ministers' residence shall be in the quarter called Vanhi and of the commander-in-chief in Akūsa either inside or outside the first enclosure along with the residence of the Purohita. The court of Justice shall be in the second or third enclosure in Bhadhara or Rudra quarter,
The private temple of the king shall be in āśāna and the treasury in the Sūvitra quarter, the arsenal in the Mitra quarter and in the centre the residence of the king with storeys up to nine, beautified by turrets and provided with