to the space available 3, 5, or 7 and the subsidiary streets as many as possible. The courts are situated as near as possible to these streets. In the West is to be built the temple of Dakşiņāmoorty. In the North is the king's palace. The residence of others is provided for as in other cities. The population is over a lac including emigrants from other countries.
Rajachani is the twentieth type. This is the capital city of an Emperor noted for his just rule, patronage and benevolence. It is situated on the sea-coast or on the banks of a river. The site has a length upto 3000 Dandas. It is surrounded by a regular fort or the fortification is confined to the palace. The gateways open out both in the North and in the South. The palace occupies the portion of Săvitra. Flags and victory pillars adorn the palace which is wellguarded by an army. Tributory princes, ministers and commanders have their residence in the Săvitra itself. The Treasury, banks and bankers, and merchant princes have their residence in the Vüsava quarter. In the Vivaswin and Apa quarters are temples dedicated to Ganapathi, Surya, Saniswara, Nandi, Visudeva, Lakşmi and other Devis, They are all ornamented with stately towers, prukurūs, and reservoirs. The residence of brahmins is provided for in the same quarters. In tho Soma quarter live the king's relatives, other Kșatriyas and Vaisyas. La bourers live in Bhrnga räja quarter. Smiths are allotted the Rudra and Bhudhara portion wherein also are situated bazaars for various wares. Halls and galleries for educational pur. poses; courts, arts and crafts, theatres and art gallaries are constructed in the city. Hauricrafts like pottery are assigned the Pavana portion. Those handling musical instruments are given residence in Mitra portion. Actors live in Agni portion ; Dancers in Möșa portion. Fishermen live in Pușpaka. Workmen in leather !:ave their residence in Dauvärika. Feeding houses are arranged in every eighth part of the city or they are built in the Gandharva quarter.