forest or the side of a hill. The city is surrounded by deep motes and well-guarded by soldiers. Eight gateways are provided in the eight directions of the compass. The East West, South and North gates are built in the squares pre. sided over by Äkäsa, Dantaka, Kinnara and Meena and are of larger dimensions than those in the other four corners. The gateways are to be constructed with all the features of the lower part of the Gopura. A citadel is to be built within the fort with streets. The location of the citadel is in the squares of Mitra etc., and the plan of the citadel is of the Sarvatõbhadra style. The king's palace is in its centre. The streets in the four main directions lead to the centre, and the residences of the various craftsmen and state servants are assigned to the several portions as follows. Washerman etc., in Dantaka, smiths in Kinnara, painters in Meena, state servants in Ākāśa, halls for the use of the kings in Dauvārika, bazaars in Māșa and Gandharva, the residence of brahmins in Bhudhara and Bhāskara etc.
The nineteenth type is called Nandyūvarta. The site is a square of side exceeding 1000 Dandas, situated in the sea-coast. The city is surrounded by a series of motes formed in a serpant-like formation. Four principal gates are built in four corners. The gate at the South-east corner faces south, that at the Sout-west faces west. The Northwest gate faces north and North-east faces east. Within the constructions forming the gateways are to be built big halls with or without pillars and connected with the streets with double rows of houses. The street which begins in the South-east has its outlet in North-west. Streets begin. ning in the South-west have their openings in the North-east. The form of lay out of the streets must conform to the shape called Nandyāvarta i. o., beginning in the South east, the street goes some distanco northward then turns westward for a good distance and then goes northward and opens out near the gate in the North-western corner. The streets in each quarter with double rows of houses may be according
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