१२. आमी-पृथक्त्वकान्तपक्षेऽपि'''अनेकस्थो ह्यसौ गुणः ॥२८॥ १३. आमी-यद्यापेक्षिकसिद्धि. 'कारकज्ञापकाङ्गवत् ।।७३-७५।। १४. भासयो-पृष्ठ २१५॥ १५ चिदचिवे परे तत्त्वे विवेकस्तद्विवेचनम् । उपादेयमुपादेय हेय हेय च कुर्वतः ॥
हेय हि कर्तृ रागादिर्यत्कार्यमविवेकिता । उपादेय पर ज्योतिरुपयोगकलक्षणम् ।। १६ भादम्-पृष्ठ ६८॥ १७ तसू-कालश्चेत्येके ५३८|| १८. तमू-गुणपर्यायवद्रव्यम् ५॥३७॥ १६ तमू-जीवाजीवास्रवबधमवरनिर्जरामोक्षास्तत्वम् श४।। २०. तमू-५१,४॥ २१ पञ्चा-खधा य खधदेसा''मुणेयव्वा ७४-७५॥ २२ पञ्चा-खध सयलममत्थ'''परमाणू चैव अविभागी॥ २३ तसू-५।१६।। २४. पञ्चा-एयरसवण्णगध दो फासं सद्दकारणमसद्दम् ॥१॥ २५ पञ्चा-वण्णरसगन्धफासापोग्गलचित्तो।। २।४०॥ २६. निसा-अतादि अतमज्झ 'त परमाणु पनसति ॥२६11 २७. प्रसा-२१४०-वण्णरम गन्धफामा ..पोग्गलचित्ती । 28. INOCHEM (a) Hydrogen is a colourless gas, and has neither
taste nor smell (b) Nitrogen is a colourless gas without taste or smell "
(A) P 206 (B) P. 262. 30 Ammonia is a colourless gas, having a powerful Pimgent smell
and a strong caustic soda NEWTH' P 304 ३०. तमू-शब्द बन्धमोक्षम्यस्थौल्यमस्थानभेदतमण्ठायातपोद्योतवन्तश्चेति- ५१२४॥ ३१. तमू-द्रव्याश्रया निगुणा गुणा ५॥४०॥
३२ उसू-२८।६।। ३३ जैसिदी-७।२३।। ३४ व्यापश-२॥१०॥
३५ भश-२॥१०॥ ३६. भश-१३१४॥ ३७ पञ्चा-६२॥ 38. ANOBOGIPA-"The first problem was, of course, that if light
waves were real waves, they must be waves in something They were plainly not waves in matter It was necessary therefore to invent something else, which was not matter. For them to be waves in this something they called the 'Ether', and imagined it was an utcıly thin and utterly elastic, fluid, that flowed undisturbed between particles of the material universal and fillen all 'empty space' of every kind.
What was the Ether' like ? Difficulties and contradiction appeared at once For it was proved to be (1) thinner than the thinnest gas, 12) more rigid than steel, (3) obsolutely the same everywhere, (4) obsolutely weightless, (5) in the neighbourhood of any electron emmensely heavier than lead"
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जनदर्शन आत्म-द्रव्यविवेचनम्