39. RECO - The Newtonian 'Ether' is rigid, yet allows all matter to
move about it without friction or resistence, it is elastic but cannot be distorted, it moves, but it's motion cannot be dedected. It exerts force on matter but matters exerts no force on it, it has no mass nor has it any parts which can be identified, it is sad to be at rest relatively to the fixed star's, yet the stars are known to be in motive relatively to one another. -Dention. 40. REUNI-A hundred years ago the Ether was regarded as one. elastic body something as a 'Jelly', but much stiffer and lighter so that it could vibrate extermely, rapidly, but a great many phenomena culminating in the Michelson experiment and the theory of relativity, showed that Ether must be something very different from ordinary terrestrial substances. -Max born. 41. This does not mean that the Ether is abolished, we need and Ether in the last century it was widly believed that Ether was a kind of matter, having properties such as mass, rigidity, motion like ordinary matter. It would be difficult to say when this view died out...Now a days it has agreed that Ether is not a kind of matter, being non-material, its propertles are suigene ries (quite unique) characters such as mass, and rigidity, which we meet with in matter will naturally be absent in Ether, but the Ether will have new and definite characters of its own...NON material ocean of Ether. TNAPHYWO-Eddington
42. Thus it is proved that science and Jain physics agree absolutely so far as they call Dharma (Ether) NON-material, NON-atomic, NON-discrete, continuous, co-extensive with space, indivisible and as a necesary medium for motion, and one which does not itself move. NOPSVI 'Prof. G. R. Jain.
४३ उमू - २८।६।। अहम्मो ठाणलक्खणो ॥
४५. पञ्चा - १।६०॥
४७ पञ्चा ११२४॥
णिय मेणपण्णत्तो ॥ १।२३
४६. पञ्चा - १।६।। १।१०२ ॥ ५०. पञ्चा-सळभावस्वभावाण ५१ पञ्चा - ववगदपणवण्णरसो । ५३. नसास-सप्ततत्त्वप्रकरणम् - लोकाकाश स उच्यते । ५२ । ५४ सप्त (देव) - पुग्गला अद्धसमया जीवा य अणता ॥ ५५ उसू - ३६।६।।
४४. तसू आकाशस्यावगाह ५|१८|| ४६. गोसाजी. ५८६ ॥ ४८. भसू - २५/२, ४॥
५२. द्रस- २२।१।२४
५६. पञ्चा १।१००-१०१॥
टिप्पणी-कृपया ७४ पृष्ठ १ पङ्क्तौ 'णाभिरी द्रव्यस्य' स्थान णामिरीथरद्रव्यस्य' इति, ७५ पृष्ठे ४ पङ्क्तौ 'महोदयरीरद्रव्यस्य स्थाने 'महोदयैरीथरद्रव्यस्य' इति, २४ पङ्क्तौ च लक्षणोऽस्ति" इत्यत्र ४३ सन्दर्भ संख्यायुक्त, ८५ पृष्ठे-८ पङको द्रव्य मिति इत्यत्र ८७ सन्दर्भसख्यायुक्त च पठनीयम् । १०२ पृष्ठ ६३ संख्याक, सन्दर्भमपसार्य अग्रिमा सन्दर्भा. एकोनसख्यया पठनीया । १०६ पृष्ठे ३ पङ्क्तौ सिध्यति', ७ पङ्क्तौ परिणाम ", १५ पङ्क्तौ योगश्चेति, २१ पङ्क्ती" लक्षणमिति' सन्दर्भसख्यायुक्ताः, १०७ पृष्ठे-८ पङ्क्तौ स्थाने ११ सन्दर्भसख्या युक्ताः- पठनीयाः ।