Ahimsa, were all meat eaters. They observed the principle of Non-violence only to this extent that they did not kill any animal with their own hands. They have no objection to purchase meat from the butchers so long as they do not themselves kill. Even while Gautama Buddha was alive, this practice was prevalent. This we learn from the Buddhist Scriptures. When that is the case with the Buddhist Bhikshus, the Buddhist laymen have no restriction in eating meat. If we are to mention a distinctive Characteristic of the Jairs, we have to say that it is their strict Vegetarian diet. This distinguishes the Jains from Others.
From the Vedic Dharam Shastras of Manu, Bodhayana and the later law-makers belonging to Vedic schools, we notice the following, on the chapter Madhuparka, Bodham yana gives a list of 25 or 26 animals that are to be killed.
Another prominent fact about the Dharma Shastras af Vedic school is the place given to agriculture in the scheme. Agriculture is considered to be the meanest profession and only the Sudras of the fourth Varna are fit to be engaged in this profession. It is beneath the dignity of the Doijas to engage themselves in agricultural occupation. Certainly the priests of the higher Varna cannot think of touching the plough.
अर्थात् :-जिन मांस भक्षण, मदिरापान तथा व्यभिचार का जनों ने निन्द्य मान कर त्याग किया था, उन्हें कापालिकों ने श्रद्धा से मूल सिद्धान्त रूप से स्वीकार किया था। यानी उन्होंने मांसाहार, मदिरापान तथा व्यभिचार सेवन को धर्म रूप स्वीकार किया था।
बौद्धों ने वेदों को तो प्रामाणिक नहीं माना किन्तु मांस भक्षण का त्याग नहीं किया। बौद्ध भिक्षु तथा बौद्ध गृहस्थ अहिंसा के सिद्धान्त