friends and sympathizers, this informal association is gaining strength day by day. After starting this organisation with the help of friends like Mr Daulat Singh Jain, Mr. Deputy Mall Jain and other friends, this organisation is now being continued with the help of convener friends like Shri Daulat Singh Jain, Sri Lodha, Shri Mehtab Singh Jain, Shri R. C Jain and Shri B. Jain and the present convenors of Jain Milan are Mr. Dlat Singh, Shri R C Jain, Shri Adishwar Prasad Jain, Shri Lodha and Shri Kapur Chand Jain. In this connection, it may not be out of place to mention here one unique achievement of this gathering of calling all the leaders of Jain community belonging to various sections, who had come here to give evidence before the Select Committee of the Religious Trust Bill and presenting a unanimous voice by selecting one spokesman for giving evidence and in this connection one cannot, but remember the services rendered by M.Ps, Shri Rajpath Singh Dugger and Shri R. K Milvi, through whose effort a meeting was called at the residence of Shri R jinder Kumar Jain to decide this question. It now rests with the members of the Jain community in Delhi to fulfill the high ideals and aspiration of late Lala Tansukhrai Jain for giving tangible shape for having a strong central organisation 11 Delhi which can coordinate the activities of various small and big organisations and which would, besides. improving the social economic, cultural and political status of the Jain community would also be useful for having its due share in the overall development of the capital of the country.
महावीर वाणी
कोहो पीइ पणासेठ, माणो विषय नासणी ।
माया मित्ताणि नासेड, लोभो सव्त्र विणामणो ॥
sta प्रीति का नाश करता है, मान विनय का नाश करता है । माया मित्रता का नाम करती है और लोभ सभी सद्गुणों का नादा करता है।
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