A Man of Inspiration
Shri Bhikha Lal Kapasi Pandara Road, New Delhi.
When I came to New Delhi in August 1940 as Assistant Information Officer in the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, my first association with Lala Tansukbrai Jain was at a meeting of Jain Sabha New Delhi Then I met him several times later on when he was incharge of Tilak Insurance Co Ltd. and my association grew gradually and I must also give credit to him for making me insurance minded.
Afterwards he was instrumental in calling a meeting after some years for discussing the questions of establishing unity amongst Jain community in Delhi and I had the good luck to preside at a meeting at the premises of Mahavir Jain Library when the question of Jain Unit was discussed and be was mainly instrumental in collecting all prominent Jains of Delhi and New Delhi for this purpose. I also associated myself with his various activities namely Jain Cooperative Bank, Jain Club, All India Humanitarian Conference, Bharat Vegetarian Society etc He was a source of inspiration to many young Jains of Delhi and he always encouraged all activities relating to social, economic and cultural development of Jains in Delhi. I may also mention here that when I discussed the question of starting Jain Milan at Delhi in September 1960 he gave me the encouragement and took active part in its activities in the initial state, though because of his ill-health later on, he had to curtail all his activities.
The Jain Milan of Delhi is an informal organisation started in september 1960 and during this short career of four years it has gained popularity mainly because of its democratic atmosphere. This organisation has no president, no office bearers, no membership fee and no constitution. However, with the goodwill of