the land. All misery is the result of cruel tendencies. If one is equipped with sacred determination he can easily forego killing of animals for sport or using their flesh to please the palate in due deference to the cult of noninjury. Without these minimum requirements the sprout of Ahimsa cannot develop and yield desired harvest of contentment and bliss. The torch-bearers of the Mission of Mercy are required to purify their lives by a dip into the holy current of Ahimsa and by their living example work with vigour and velocity to bring forth non-violent revolution in the inner world of mankind. Soft corner for "ours' strikes at the very root of the cult of universal brotherhood. The bellicose and belligerent spirit is responsible for the heart-rending and seething condition of the people. The two world-wars appear to have brought wisdom to the statesman and leaders of the world and every body is sincerely making search for the remedy to end such wars, which are equally pernicious to the victor as well as the vanquished. Stupefied humanity can be saved only by the ambrosia of Ahimsa. The ways of the world are such that the path of Ahimsa