rests on the adage 'As you sow, so you reap'. If we extend our fraternal relations towards all beings in consequence thereof similar sublime feelings shall be reciprocated by them.
Sweet oration in praise of peace and amity would never conduce salutray result, unless it is implemented by purity of conduct and practice in keeping with the lofty professions. It is often the misfortune of the modern world to engross in tall talk only without any reference to translate the same into action. The homily of the day is that the weak has no right to live, only the fittest are to survive. This has to be substituted by the sermon of 'Live and help others to live'. This message was given to the world by the great historical figure Lord Mahavira, who was the senior contemporary of Lord Buddha and who was born six centuries before Jesus Chirst. He was the 24th Prophet (Tirthamkara) of Jainism. Lord Mahavira had categorically observed that man is the architect of his own destiny. If one inculcates the ideal of sanctity of life and feeling of fellowship for all living beings without prejudice, the goddess of peace and plenty will descend upon