appears to be full of thorns. It is therefore enjoined upon by the Jain Master of the Doctrine of Compassion to do ones duty as humanely as the circumstances permit. Absention from intentional injury to the living beings is the first lesson that was taught by Lord Mahavira.
A Suggestion To propogate the dictum of sanctity for life and universal brotherhood we had drawn the attention of the United Nations Organisation to declare an International Brotherhood Holiday to commemorate the ideal. If this idea is sponsored by the World Pacifist Conference by its resolution it will be soon materialised and will provide an opportunity to all nationalities to ponder over the path of peace and make due deliberations so that the sacred idea may be fully developed.
May the Light of Ahimas illumine the entire world, which is darkened with clouds of hatred and animosity. We pray for perpetual progress of this organisation of world pacifists to bring solace to humanity. .