of creating the Ethical-man, the good-man as conceived by Araistotle, who can be relied upon to be a good citizen as well. The principle of Samyak Darshan and Syad Vada will go a long way in the solution of the complex proplems created by the Industrial System. Social peace is universally desired and that has to be attained by peaceful methods such as discussion, negotiation, and compromise eschewing all recourse to force and violence. Today there is the profession of the desire for peace in plenty; never the less the clouds of bloody revolution and war are hanging heavy over us. That is because of absence of the Belief in the All-inclusive I (Samyak Darshan). It is the irrational concept of the Exclusive-I which has resulted in the concentration of wealth and the sweets of lifǝ in the hands of the few, and that irrationality is the evil cause of the unsocial behaviour., Action preceeding from the Belief in the Inclusive-I would alone be rational and is calculated to promote social justice and establish harmony and peace for the obvious reason that the society is founded on reason. Syad-Vada stands for Toleration and Forbearance, for it