human understanding which gropes for the truth in the dark chamber of the intellect. The intellect builds up a system of logical thought and tries to embody it in an institution which really turns out to be the grave of the truth. The remains of the truth are Dogmas which become the objects of worship, giving rise to priest-craft and intolerance. Nor is the case different with the secular religions of today, There the State-craft takes the place of the Priest-craft and flourishes on propaganda. The philosophy of Anekanta Vada is true to experience in this world of changing identities and innumerable relations. If followed in practice it will spell the end of all the warring beliefs and bring harmony and peace to mankınd.
The Jain thought is of high antiquity. The myth of its being an off-shoot of Hinduism or Buddhism has now been exploded by recent historical research. Germinating in the protest against animal sacrifices, it influenced the warrior class as represented by Janaka, Mahavira and Budha. It denounced all forms of ritualistic and external forms of worship and commended the path of introspection and selfrealisation. That way lies the hope even -today