assumes that the "other fellow" has also some thing to say.
The teachings of Jainism will be found on * analysis to be as modern as they are ancient.
They are not sectarian as they lie in some form or another as the basis of all the great religions of the world which have influenced the destiny of man.
I warmly congratulate the learned author for having concieved the idea of presenting the lofty thought of Jainism in the major language of the country and executing it with marked success. While it will illumine the minds of all, it will serve as a clarion call particularly to the Jain community, which holds a dominant position in the social order as it is taking shape today, to be true to the teaching of their own master-minds.
18th May, 1950)
on Amba vihar (
(Dr. Sır) M. B. NIYOGI
(M. A., LL, M. LL. D. ) (Ex.Vice-Chancellor Nagpur University and Chief Justice
Nagpur High Court, "