________________ कदम्बवंशीय राजाओंके तीन ताम्रपत्र 666 है उसी प्रकार उक्त तीसरे दानपत्रमें भी लिखा है / चेरा दानपत्रोंके कृष्णवर्माका समय ईसवी सन् 466 के लगभग निश्चित है। इसलिये यह तीसरा दानपत्र मी उसी समयके लगभगका होना चाहिये / शेष दोनों दानपत्र इससे पहलेके हैया पीछेके, यह पूरी तोरसे नहीं कहा जासकता / संभवत: इनका समय ईसाकी पांचवीं शताब्दी के लगभग है।" इसके सिवाय मापने अपने अनुसंधानके अन्तमें ये पंक्तियां दी हैं: Wc may now sum up the result of our investigations. We find, then, that there were two branches of the Kadamba family, one of which may be described as Goa branch, and the other as the Vanvasi branch. It is just possible that there was some connection between the two branches, but we have not at present the materials for settling the question. We find, too, that the princes mentioned in our plates bclong to thc Vanvasi branch, and that there is not sufficient ground for refering them to a different division from the Vanvasi Kadainbas enumerated in Sir W. Elliot's paper. We find, further, that these princes appear from their recorded granis to have been independent sovercigns, and not under subordination to the Chalukya kings, as thcir successors were, and that they flourished, in all probability, before the fifth century after Christ. Lastly we find that there is great reason for belicving that these carly Kadambas were of the Jain persuation, as we find some of the latter Kadambas to have been from their recorded grants. इन पंक्तियों के द्वारा, काशीनापजोने अपने अनुसंधानका नतीजा निकाला है, भोर बह इस प्रकार है: