evidently is a scribal error and gives a meaning 'vega' making any sense of the gatha impossible. By taking to mean यव (barly) as given in the MS. H and by adopting the reading गन्नच्छ of the Ms. G and combining गज्जच्छ वि गंजं into one word we get an inproved reading which gives a very poetical description of the cheek of a love-lorn lady.
Reading adopted by Pischel
जस्स कए छप्प'तिं करेसि छउअंगि सो वि तुज्फ कए । छमलयतलम्मि छिक्कोलिऊण मिल्लेइ मिगछवडिं ॥ III. 25. 21.
यस्य कृते पद्मलेखपूर्व्वं नियमं करोषि तन्वङ्गि सोऽपि तव कृते । सप्तच्छदतले तन्वीकृत्य मुवति मृगच ॥
Reading improved
जस्त कए छप्पतिं करेसि छउअंगि सोवि तुज्म कए । कमलयतलम्मि छिक्कोलियो ण मिल्लेद्र मिगछवडिं ॥
यस्य कृते पद्मलेखपूर्व्वं नियमं करोषि सोऽपि तव कृते । सप्तच्छदतले तनु न मुञ्चति मृगचम् ॥
Eng. Trans. He for whose sake, Oh thin-limbed (lady), you are practising austerity by describing a lotus-like figure -he too (though) emaciated under the Saptacchada tree does not leave the deer's skin for your sake.
Remarks-Pischel's reading ffe
needlessly modifies the word छिक्कोलिअ of the text to be illustrated which spoils the sense. By adopting the reading of MSS. BF. which separates ण and reads छिक्कोलियो instead of छिक्कोलिऊ the sense is strikingly improved inasmuch as instead of the picture of the lover giving up austerities while his mistress was practising it, we find the picture of a faithful lover still