give to the wise gold. (as bountiously) as lead leaves, gold brought by the servants from the plunderings in the province of Kakasthala.
Remarks—In the reading of Pischel, leaves of lead are placed by the side of gold (कणयाई) as gifts to the learned. This combination is incongruous. If च is replaced by व (इव) a reading found in MS. G, the meaning is remarkably improved as an eulogy of Kumārapāla who showers ingots of gold carried from the country of his enemies on the learned like leaves of lead. Reading adopted by Pischel
मयणगढं गज्जस्म वि गंजं गडम्मि गडिडचक्ककडिं।
गलिअं गलिउ भिक्खू गणिगणत्तो वि मुच्छेद ॥ II. 81. 66. Chāyā
मदनदुर्ग वेगस्यापि वदनं शय्यायां गन्त्रीचक्रकटिम्।
स्मृतां स्मृत्वा भिक्षुर्गणिताक्षमालोऽपि मूर्च्छति ॥ . Reading improved
मयणगढं गज्जच्छविगंजं गडम्मि गडिडचक्ककडिं।
गलियं गलिउ' भिक्खू गणियगणत्ती वि मुच्छेद ॥ . Chāyām ....... मदनदुर्ग यवच्छविवदनां शय्यायां गन्त्रीचक्रकटिम् । ..." ..... - स्मृतां स्मृत्वा भिक्षुर्गणिताक्षमालोऽपि मूर्च्छति ॥
Eng. Trans.-The mendicant, though counting the rosary of beads, faints at the recollection of the lady when she—the fort of Cupid having the glow of the face like that of barley, having the waist (moving) in the bed like the wheel of a : 'car-is called to mind...
"Remarks-Pischel by adopting a reading in which गज्जस्म fa isi are separated, has not only made the gāthā 'void of all sense' but also has. adopted a reading. in 'गज्जो जव:' which