DEŠINAMAMĀLÄ ___Eng. Trans.-Give up your laughing, Oh laughing lady, give up the game of 'hide and seek' and cleanse your house. Your husband's sister will laugh on seeing the white ant in a side of your hearth.
Remarles-Pischel's reading in which च and य have been treated as two words leads to a train of inconsistencies. Firstly the juxtaposition of two cumulative conjunctions inserted between the two nouns is contrary to the laws of syntactical order which requires the placing of the conjunction or its Prakrit equivalent y after each of the nouns combined and not before any. Shifting our attention from this inconsistency we are faced with a second difficulty in construing hirag with 9788, atgræi and at which cannot be understood as other than objects of सारवेसु. This makes no sense. Even if we omit the pleonastic particle o the difficulty in making out a sense is not removed. If we combine ? and y into the word चय (त्यज) the meaning will be clear. Reading adopted by Pischel
कासारं च वुहाणं अकाविमं देसि चालुक्क ॥ II. 30. 27. Chāyām
काकस्थलाभिधानदेशलुण्ठनकम्मकारानीयमानकनकानि ।
सौसकपत्रं च वुधेभ्योऽकृत्रिमं ददासि चौलुक्य ॥ Reading improved
कासारं व वुहाणं अकारिमं देसि चालुक्क ॥ Chāyā
काकस्थलाभिधानदेशलुण्ठनकम्मकारानीयमानकनकानि ।
सौसकपत्रमिव बुधेभ्योऽक्वत्रिमं ददासि चौलुक्य ॥ Eng. Trans.--Spontaneously do you, Oh Kumārapāla,