Part 1]
Translated from Samskrit by K. P. MODI, B. A. LL, B., AHMEDABAD).
attachment surmounted, free enco, not ceive
1. May He ever be victorious who is because it was not moved with feelings blessed pleasure house of spiritual of deep bliss, even though it had the wealth before whose lotus feet prostrate good fortune to see your moon-like face. even the lords of gods and inen, who is 8 Oh Lord! after wandering in omiscint, who is best because of his many lives I obtained through you the superhumal qualities and wlio is the three jewels, difficult to obtain cven store houso of knowledge and art. with great pains and even those jewels
2. Oh, a support of the three worlds, I lost through sleep of carelessness. Mercy incarnate, physician to remove 9. I liked asceticism simply to de. the mally of worldly existence, not ceive others, I preached religion simply casy to be surmounted, free from all to please the people, I acquired knowattachment, all knowing Lord! I with ledge to combat with others, Oh Lord ! child like simplicity, beg to lay the how much should I describe my ridifollowing before you.
culous life? 3. Does not a child, impelled by his 10. I have sullied my mouth by child naturo prattle something before slandering others, my eyes by looking his father without (any idea of what on wives of others to lust after them, he has to say ) previous thought? In my mind by thinking harm to others, the same way Oh Lord! I full of re- Oh Lord, what shall be my fate? pentance truly put my ideas before yolt. 11. Oh Lord, what 1, being blind by
4. No charity is done by me, no good passion, lave endured under the influlife has been led by me, no chastity has ence of pain caused by the force of been observed by me, no austerity his cupid, I lay before you through shame. been performed by me, no good thoughts You, being Omniscient know all that. have been thought by me in this life. 15. Oh Lord, it was due to my mental Oh Lord! fruitless is my journy in delusion that I allowed Prameshtithis life.
Mantra ( obaisance to the liberated 5. I am burnt by fire of anger, stung souls, Tirthaukars, pontiffs, teachers by a wicked snake of-avarice, swallowed and good inen ) to be eclipsed by other by a cobra of pride, and bound by a Mantras ; again literature to be ignorsnare of deceit. How can I worshiped by false scriptures and that I wsa Thee?
inclined to do wrong acts under the 6. Oh Lord of the worla! Oh best of influence of bad gods. Jains! no good deed has been per- 13. I, a fool, having left you who had formed by me in previous life, and I come within the range of my eye, ponfind no happiness in this life. Persons dered on the amorous pastimes of like me are born simply to add up the beautiful womeu as regards their glannumber of lives
ces, breasts, deep navel, loins etc. 7. Oh Lord of amiable conduct! I 14. Oh Saviour! How is it that a feel my heart to be harder than a stone particle of menta! attachment that
Aho I Shrutgyanam