[ Vol. 1
Univer of helpos
make us pause and consider the causes of magadhi lamguages for their B. A. close proximity of thought and expres- examination. sion in Jain and Buddhistic literatures. But some rich men must come to the Here we may take the opportunity of
help of poor Jain students who canenot ihanking the authorities of the Univer
pursue the study of their Sacred Literasity of Bombay for having made it
ture for want of encouragement. Will possible, according to a new regulation,
it be too much to expect rich Jain to make a comparative study of Jain and
merchants to come forward with hand
some donations to educational instituBuddhistic Prakrit Literatures even at
tions in places like Poona, Bombay, the stage of B. A, examination. We Ahmedabad and Surat for making provihope Jain students will not lose this sion of teaching the Jain Sacred Litera opportunity and take up Pali and Ardha ture?.
Aho! Shrutgyanam