Part I]
समी निंदापसंसासु समो मा गावमाण । इओ-उक्कुदिको; लह-लूख, परीसहा-परिस्सया; मिल
(उ..,90) खुआ-मिलक्खुका; मायण्णे--मत्ता अइच्छति-अतिसेलो यथा एकवनो वातेन न समीरति । च्छति (of अतिच्छय भन्ते ); अच्छहिं-अच्छन्ति;
एवं निन्दापसंसासुन समिञ्जन्ति पण्डिता (ध 481) सल्लेह-सल्लेख; तसेस थावरेसु च. सब्बत्थं वे सप्पुरिसा चजन्ति न कामकामा लपयन्ति अन्तो। (b) phrases and ward-clusters-धमणिसंसुखेन फुट्ठा अथवा दुखेन उच्चावचं पण्डिता दस्सयन्ति ।। तए-धमणिसंथत; जहाकरेणुपरिकिण्णे कुंजर सद्रिहायणे
(4.53 ) (3. [ 18) सेय्यथाऽपि नाम कुंजरो सट्रिहायनो Compassion for all animals.- गंभीरं पोखराणिं आगाहता (म. नि0 35-3) जगनिस्सिए हिं भूएहिं तसनामेहिं थावरहिं च धोरय्हसील (ध. 248 ) धोरेजसीला (NIV 35 ) नो तेसिमारभे दण्डं मणसा वयसा कायसा चव नाहदरमणासन्ने-नातिदृरं न अचासन्ने । (उ. VIII, 10)
(c) similes and inataphors, सब्बे तसन्ति दण्डस्स सब्बे भायन्ति मननी ।
भासच्छन्ना इवग्गिणों ( उ० ..!V18) अत्तानं उपमं कत्वा न हनेय्य न बातये । (. 10:))
भस्मच्छन्नो व पावको (4071 ) ef मेत्ताय फसे तस थावरानि (सु. नि. 967)
मेरुव वारण अकंपमाणे ( उ० XXI 19 ) सब्बेसु भूतसु निधाय दपई (4142)
सेलोथधा एकवनो वातेन में समीरति (4.81 ) II, Even when we come to the menner
बुच्छिन्द सिणेहमप्पणो कुमुदं सारदिअं व पाणिअं । of expression, we do find some peculiritics conumon to both the litar'
(उ० , 28) atures
उच्छिन्द सिनेहमत्तनो कुमुदं सारदिकं व पाणिना । (i) Even in Jaiu Sutras we find somne
(ध० 285) times gai 136 corresponding to Pali एवं म सुतं coming at the beginning of
(N. B.-It is worth tosting what must almost every Buddhistic Sutta.
have been the real original reading. (iiAs in Pali, we find in Jain liter
The Buddhistic reading means "You
root out affection from your heart just ature several technical points denoted
as you easily pluck out a lotus growing by fixed numerals; as 8 AI; y kinds
in the Sarat Season;' wbile the Jain of बंभगुत्ति, 25 Bhavnas, 22 परीसहा and soon
reading means " Just as a lotus growing like Buddhistic Eight-fold path, five
in the Sarat Season leaves the water Nevafas, four knots, six Ayatanas, 38
and cornes above the surface of the Bodhipakkhiya dhammas. This pecu
water, so you leave affection.") liarity comman to both these litratures was necessary in those condition to धुते वा कहिणा जिए ( उ०V,16) help the memory
___ अत्तनो पन छादेति कलिं वा कितवा सठो (ध 0252) (iii) We find the Anuswar is very
We here by no means pretiend to often dropped as एआण for एआणं, as बुद्धान
give an exhausiive list of all such paralfor बुद्धानं.
lelisms. But we may be confident that (iv) We find very often the same idea
if we make a close and thorough study of expressed in sijoilar words, phrases Or Jain Prakrit works especially the ward-clusters, similes and mataphors
Angas and Upangas, we shall find much
Anca (a) words-अप्पकुक्कुए-अपकुक्कुच्च; उक्कु- food for tellection much that will
Aho! Shrutgyanam