[ Vol. 1
on nation to sin ; L
jie by hearing could not keep
stuck to me by gazing at the faces of cases; I thought of the increasing of rolling eyed women, is not gone, though wealth and not that of death ; I thought washod in the ocean of pure sacred only of a woman, but did not consider literature.
lier as the cause of hell-bondage. 15. I am neither beautiful in person, 21. I could find no room in the heart nor do I possess a collection of virtues of the good by pure conduct, I did not I have no pure grace of arts, I do not get fame by doing benevolent actions, possess any power of resplendent lus- I did not acquire religious merit by ture, still, I am troubled by egoism. propaganding religion etc.; Alas! my
16. Life soon draws near the end, life is really wasted. but not my inclination to sin ; I grow 22. No fceling of dispassion arose in old, but not my desire for sensc-enjoy- Me by hearing the preachings of suy ments; I nado efforts for preparing preceptors. I could not keep my pcaco medicines, but not for leading a reli- by hearing the words of wicked inen. gious life, Oh Lord! there is no limit to Oh Lord! I have not a particle of spimy self-delusion.
ritual knowledge. How can I, then, 17. Oh Lord! fie upon me that I cross this ocean of worldly existence ? listened to the evil speech of the world. 2?. In my previous life I earned no ly persons that there is no soul, no religious merit. I shall not do it in merit, no future life and no sin, though future life. If I am such, then Oh Lord! you, the sun of absolute knowledge were all the three lives--the past, the present shining clearly.
and the future are ruined. 18. Although I havo reoched human 24. Oh Venerable One! Oh Lord! stage my life is like crying in the wil. What is the use of m:vrrating iny life in derness because I did not worship God, detail besoro you in vain. As you know did not revere worthy persons and I fhe nature of the three worlds, what is did neither observe layman's nor asce iny life to you? tic's religious duties
25. Oh Best of the Jinas! There is 19. Oh Lord of Jinas look at my no leader like Thee to save the poor, folly. I ran after imaginary things like and there is no man more worthy of the wish-fulfilling cow, wish-fulfilling compassion other than I among the tree and the wish-fulfiling jewel, but people. Still Oh Yeneralle One! I do did not run after Jain religion which not ask for worldly wealth, but oh ocean bestows real happiness.
of spiritual wealth! Abode of allspici20. I, a base one always thought of ous things! I pray for the jewel of true pleasures of enjoying good things, but faith, that is beneficial and leading to did not view them as the womb of dis- Salvationa.
Aho I Shrutgyanam