who had resorted to the king of Sambhar, has undertaken an expedition against Kumarapala at this time of his conversion. The period of banishment of the vices was of 12 years showing that after Kumârapâla's death the State influence of Jainism declined. 2 The Chaulukya kings lived in the same palaces as those of the Chávdá kings. Hemachandra's new grammar Siddha-Hema had already commenced to be studied in Gujarat.4 The Yogasâstra and Vimsati-Vitarâgastutis were composed by Hemachandra for Kumârapâla.5
Condition of the society in Gujarat as depicted in the play. The Banias of the capital (Anhilwad) were very affluent. There were many millionaires and over the mansions of the Kotiśvaras (those possessing a crore and more) there were hoisted huge banners with ringing bells. Their grandeur was quite royal. They had elephants and horses and maintained alms-houses. The staircases were constructed of crystal stone and temples with crystal floor were attached to the mansions. Pictures illustrating events from the lives of the Jinas were painted on their walls. There were also boxes made of crystal for putting religious books. The Jain millionaries took vows to keep a certain amount of wealth and property in their possession and the surplus was to be spent away in religious works. Kubera had vowed to keep six crores of gold coins, 800 Tulás of silver and 8 'Tulas of valuable jewels, 2000 Kumbhas of grain, 2000 Khâris of oil, 50000 horses, 1000 elephants, 80000 cows, 500 each of ploughs, shops, houses, carriages and waggons.6 The merchants earned enormous wealth by sailing to foreign waters. When a person died
( 2 ) ( 3 )
धन्यस्त्यागभटः कुमारतिलकः शाकम्भरीमाश्रितो
योऽसौ तस्य कुमारपालनृपतेश्चौलुक्यचूडामणेः । युद्धायाभिमुखोऽभवज्जयविधिस्त्वास्यं विधिः प्रेक्षते
प्रोद्गर्जन् विफलं शरदूधन इव त्वं केवलं वल्गसि ॥ V-36
धणियसासणानुवत्तिय ! बारसवरसियं पवासवसणदुदं वो दीसदि । IV p. 102 इइ धवलहरेसु चिरं चावुक्कडरायलालिओ वसिओ | IV-47
(4) कइविसेसनवनिबद्ध विसुद्ध सिद्धहेमणामहेयवागरणपढणत्थं उवणीदो उवज्झायरस कुमारो | I-p. 2 (5) देव ! प्रसादनाम्नो राजपुरुषस्य हस्ते प्रहितमिदं गुरुणा श्रीहेमचन्द्रेण भवतो युद्धश्रद्धालुमनसो योगशास्त्रं नाम वज्रकवचम् । इमाश्च वीतरागस्तुतिसंज्ञा विंशतिर्दिव्यगुलिकाः ।
(6) गुरुपादमूलकमले गृहमेधिजनोचितानिमान्नियमान् । प्रतिपद्यते कुबेरो वैराग्यतरङ्गितस्वान्तः ॥
जन्तून् हन्मि न वच्मि नानृतमहं स्तेयं न कुर्वे पर
श्रीर्नो यामि तथा त्यजामि मदिरां मांसं मधु म्रक्षणम् । नक्तं नाभि परिग्रहे मम पुनः स्वर्णस्य षट् कोटयस्तारस्याष्ट तुलाशतानि च महार्हाणां मणीनां दश ॥ ३९ ॥
"Aho Shrutgyanam"