to them. They also tell him that they brought large revenues to the State. The king does not listen to them at all and orders their banishment.
The fifth act, King fan enters the stage and expresses his joy at the marriage of his daughter with Kumarapala, which Jinamandana says occured in Samvat 1216.1 He then approaches the king. Jñânadarpana, who was sent to inquire about the movements of the enemy, enters and gives his report. He went there as a bard of Kumârapâla and cajoled King Moha, Moha's force consists of T, , 75, ata, nå, Taru, e, f ETC, atr, 71, पापकेतु, शोक and शुङ्गारिरस. The vices, too, have joined him. कीर्तिमञ्जरी and प्रताप have instigated king Moha for an attack on Kumarapala. Moha is coming forwards, though disuaded by his minister in. The minister goquc enters and gives to the king as a steel armour and farfastarptafa as divine pills for keeping in the mouth, all sent by Hemachandra, so that he may be învulnerable and invisible to the enemy. King Kumârapâla 110w attended by पुण्यकेतु, विवेकचन्द्र and ज्ञानदर्पण, who shows the camps of Raga and others, comes near the residence of Moha. King Moha is with his minister 49 and hearing the reports of his spy FTTH, who tells him about the marriage of 4 with Kumarapala and the prophecy that after the marriage Kumarapala will overcome Moha, he calls his warriors. Kumârapâla removes the pills from his mouth and becomes visible. A fierce battle takes place, wherein Kumarapala overcomes Moha, who flies away with his army. The king then enters, makes Viveka to re-enter his capital wataalafat, which was wrested from him by Moha.
Historical Information to be derived from the play. Kumarapala wandered abroad through curiosity and got the empire of Gujarat through kis luck. He delighted the hearts of the people plunged in sorrow by the death of Siddharâja.2 Kuntârapala built Tribhuvanavihara and 32 other royal temples for the expiation of the sin of Aesh-eating to which he was much addicted before his conversion.3 Kumârapâla overcame the king of Sambhar through his valor.4 The blessed Tyâgabhaça (Charity?), best among princes,
(1) कृपासुन्दर्याः संवत् १२१६ मार्गशुदिद्वितीयादिने पाणिं जग्राह श्रीकुमारपालमहीपाल: श्रीमदहद्देवतासमक्षम् ।
Jinabandana's Kumârapâlaprabandhs. एको यः सकलं कुतूहलितया बभ्राम भूमण्डल
प्रीत्या यत्र पतिवरा समभवत्साम्राज्यलक्ष्मी: स्वयम् । श्रीसिद्धाधिपविप्रयोगविधुरामप्रीणयद्यः प्रजा
parat fafcat a rotaufanist : H 1-28 (3) UT #rifes for geofarofa a IV-p. 93 जित्तिया दिया इत्तिए जिणविहारे कारावसुत्ति । अदो एदे विहारा रन्ना काराविदत्ति ।
(4) da yetak nampariaticas ! IV-p. 106
"Aho Shrutgyanam