At this time four merchants approach the king and request him to send. some officer to take possesion of the properties of a big millionaire of the capital named Kubera, who was supposed to be dead in a sea-voyage. The king goes to his mansion and is much pleased to see his immense property consisting of gold, silver, pearls, horses, elephants etc. The king consoles Kubera's mother and issues a general order to stop the practice. Meanwhile Kubera suddenly comes with his newly married wife in an air-ship and all are delighted to see him return safely.
The Fourth Act. t enters the stage longing to see her younger daughter नगरभी, and meets वनराजी, a friend of नगरभी, who takes her to नगरभी. ft asks her mother why she has been changed. ant relates how her lord Kumarapala has adopted the Jain faith and has given up flesh-eating and hunting and thus she has also become a Jain. et describes to her the नगरश्री nature of the Jain religion and consequently adopts the Jain faith. ? asks her why she has put on special dress and ornament. af replies that the king has just returned from his pilgrimage to Mts. Satruñjaya and Girnar and that there is a festival to celebrate his entrance in the city.
Both of them then meet, who feels uneasy and is diverted by her friends सोमता, and वनराजी देशभी contracts friendship with कृपासुन्दरी Noises of hunting and fishing are heard and disgusted at these begins to go. away but is stopped. But a fresh noise of the cry of Dharmakuñjara, a police officer newly appointed by the minister go to search out the men of the enemy, make them able to depart. Then enters the police officer (दाण्डपाणिक धर्मकुअर with two footmen (यम & नियम) and some other man, who inadvertently gives his real name eer, and from the pill of lac with him a letter is found. The man is taken to the king and there the letter is read. It is addressed to af by King, who informs him that a new man मिथ्यात्वराशि in the form of a सापस is sent to his help and he is to be utilised along with four other men काम, गर्व, छप & डौल्य sent to him and that the carrier He is sent to hasten him in this work. The king orders are to be chained. gr tells him that oft has requested him to banish the vices. for stopping the entrance of the men of the enemy and also for fulfilling the vow of . The king orders him to take hold of the vices Gambling, Flesh-eating, Drinking and Slaughter. Theft and Adultery have been already expelled from the city. Concubinage may, however, be overlooked as it is immaterial if it goes or stays. are goes in search of them and finds q with his wife असत्यकन्दली, मण, जाइन्टक, सना and मारी gathered together.
All these talk about the change in the king's religion and the rumours of Vi siezes them. their banishment. I predicts 12 years' banishment. all and brings them before the king. All plead their cause and tell him how the ancient kings and even his ancestors Vanaraja and others were addicted
"Aho Shrutgyanam"