er, pained to hear this, went away and he (Jaanadarpana) came King Kumarapala then expresses his determination to overcome King . Behind the stage a bard describing the mid-day Sun indicates that it is time of worship, and the king and the spy leave the stage.
The Second Act. The minister gogg enters the stage and says that he has accomplished the work of uprooting enemies and that the news about
has been conveyed to Kumarapala, who has been made very angry with him. The friendly astrologer ge has, moreover, said that the king by marrying कृपासुन्दरी, the daughter of विवेक, will overcome मोह, the enemy of the three worlds. Thus the overthrow of the enemy depends upon the marriage. But sयवसायसागर, who is sent to bring विवेकचन्द्र, is tarrying. व्यवसायसागर comes and tells him that faa has been brought by him with his wife and daughter to the capital and has been given residence in the penance-grove of Hemachandra and that he has been introduced to the king before the preceptor. Thus the king gets an opportunity of seeing , who looked at him with love. The king gives residence to fa in his drawing room. Here ends the interlude.
The king now enters with the jester. The king shows intense love for and in order to divert himself he enters the garden, where the great grew. Here he sees a sprinkling the tree with the pot of medita tion with her companion . The king approaches and the eyes of both meet together. When she goes to touch the tree, the king takes hold of her hand. When she is engaged in sprinkling, the king's pleasure-parrot relates to her friend that Kumarapala has taken vows of stopping the practice of confiscating the property of those dying heir-less and the banishment of the seven vices from his kingdom. In the meanwhile the queen sqft enters the garden with her companion ar and sees the king with us. The queen is much enraged and the king tries to appease her by falling at her feet but his overtures are not accepted and the queen goes away in fury. The king also then leaves the garden on account of twilight.
The third act. The minister go manages to hide one of his servants. behind the image of the goddess whom the queen goes to worship to get the boon of making que disfigured. The servant behind the deity tells her that the marriage of with Kumarapâla should be accomplished, as through that only he would be able to overcome and that she should personally go and request विवेकचन्द्र for the hand of his daughter and that कृपासुन्दरी being the daughter of far, the sister of her mother ear, she should not entertain jealousy. The queen then approaches fa, who, while accepting the offer, tells her about the vow of his daughter about the stopping of the practice of confiscating the property of those dying heirless, and the banishment of the seven vices. The queen consents to accomplish this and through her servant ser requests the king to do these things. The king consents.
"Aho Shrutgyanam"