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dialogue between the staze-manager and his wife about the representation of the present drama and its author. The prelude being over, the king Kumarapala enters the stage with his jester. The king remembers Hemachandra with gratitude. The jester takes him to task for his religiousity. Jõânadarpaņa, a spy sent to inquire about the return of the enemy king Moha, then comes and relates to him the news got by him. He tells him that he went to the camp of the enemy but for long he could not even get entrance, as the clever guard y was on his watch incessantly day and night. He, however, at last got entrance under the guise of a sage. There he was received by the circle of heretics (raugogo), but could not for many days get any news about Moha. Once he saw the mobilization of the army of the enemy
iar an attack on the capital of faan . He, too, accompanied the army, which i besieged later, the capital of fan. Vivekachandra occupied the i fort named at. A fierce battle ensued. The enemy obstructed the great river
farat. The city was consequently much agitated but the preceptors opened the secret wells of FETT, and the people were, as it were, given a new life. But Cupid and others of the city joined the side of Moha and gave him the news. The enemy then covered the wells with th:, tied the wheels of fat, prohibited the entrance of the triessengers gara etc., and made holes in the fort. Inside also the stock of food and fuel in the form of th and faga fell short. face in consultation with his ministers, Vimarsha and others, requested the enemy through the messenger 77 for giving the Dharmadvâra. The enemy granted his request and far left the city with his bride afa : and his daughter
. The enemy then completely occupied the capital. It was not know where Vivekachandra was at the tinie. Kumarapala is delighted to hear the name of act. Continuing further the spy told him that he saw a lady, who told him that she was
Hett, the daughter of afta through his queen of and the wife of Chakravarti Kumarapala. She complained about Kumarapala's in difference towards her brother tar and herself. Once she and her nurse gomaet were taken by the king's man in to the forest on the sea-shores. There she fell into the sea, but was saved, and afterwards took the vow of an ascetic and stayed in forest. Ouce her brother sin came from the king and informed her that the king had become attached to the Jain Muni and he was advised by him to remove कीर्तिमारी far away and banish प्रताप. - * in anger joined the army of Moha, who through her instigations made a vow that either he should not be or he should kill Kumârapâla on the battlefield. He had adopted the means of making a split in his subjects and had won over to his side the whole court. Now he will make an invasion. Par asked Jñanadarpaņa of the result. Jñanadarpana said that Moha himself had indicated his defeat by his words "Either I should not be or Kumarapala should die at my hands.?!
"Aho Shrutgyanam