he is in a village or in a forest. There is no doubt that he always has equal disposition everywhere.(17)
A wise man, resorting to equanimity, is indifferent to censure (or) praise (and) never gets angry (or) feels satisfied, being desirous of liberation only.(18)
Is he (the aspirant), who has nothing fit to be received or (nothing) fit to be abandoned in (this) world of moveable and immoveable things and who has no doubt as regards the desirable and undesirable things, besmeared with Karman?(19)
As a Yogi, being (well) situated in a high position does not feel (any) pleasure, in like manner he does not feel (any) grief even when he is (on the brink of) total destruction.(20)
As aspirant certainly becomes devoid of attachments on account of abandonment of all contacts and becomes indifferent everywhere when there is the accomplishment of Yoga in the form of equanimity.(21)
Some one knows in reality, what is known as Super Soul, is 'I' myself is alone and when the feeling viz."I am He" is produced, ah! There is no fear from anywhere.(22)
(One finds) similarity (of tendency) in the taking an active part in worldly affairs but owing to the difference of thoughtactivity, wherein an ignorant person is besmeared (with Karman), therein a wise one is not contaminated (by it).(23)
As the sky is not contaminated by smoke and lotus-leaf is not besmeared with water, so a Yogi, who is established in his own self is never contaminated either by merits or demerits.(24)
There is no doubt in this respect that (the aspirant) who is well-versed in scepticism and expert in knowing duality and non duality, gets himself quickly absorbed in the true nature of his own self.(25)
One who is free from passions, always (becomes) librated