but Karmic bondage accrues to one who is full of passions. Therefore, the formula of prayer for final emancipation viz. "I am not the (false) ego" (and) "nothing is mine"- is mentioned.(26)
In the case of a (soul) worthy of liberation only, the annihilation of all Karmas as well as the great assuagement (of senses) is produced in reality on account of the renunciation impregnated with knowledge.(27)
The impressions left upon the mind by good or bad actions surely (constitute) the worldly life (and) the abandonment of them is considered to be the final emancipation. Therefore, be free from (such) impressions with all endeavour.(28)
By the abandonment of the (aforesaid) impressions only, (an aspirant) makes his abode well himself in the true nature of his own self in a moment and therefore the Self becomes the teacher of his own self.(29)
One, who sees the whole world transitory like jugglery, attains the highest bliss, resorting to (real) knowledge and renunciation.(30)
Having abandoned the worldly prosperity and the desire for carnal gratification, a wise man, who always has a liking for religion as well as for liberation, makes final emancipation well ensured for him.(31)
One, who is unattached, becomes happy in this world and one, who is attached, becomes unhappy. Therefore it is considered that eternal happiness accrues to one who is (much) advanced in renunciation.(32)
The separation from (material) bondage is expounded by the knowers of
Truth to him only, in whom the determination viz. “I am not the body and the body is not mine"- springs up.(33)
The chief of the Yogis, who is unstained, void of indecision