तृतीय लक्षणम्
कान्योन्याभावस्य प्रसिद्धत्वादिति वाच्यम् । तत्रापि तादृशान्योन्याभावस्य प्रसिद्धत्वेऽपि तद्वति हेतोर्वृत्तेरेव अव्याप्तेर्दुर्वारत्वात् ।
(३८) यद्वा साध्यवत्प्रतियोगिकान्योन्याभावपदेन साध्यवत्त्वावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगिताकान्योन्याभाव एव विवक्षितः । न चैवं पञ्चमाभेदः, तत्र साध्यवत्त्वावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगिकान्योन्याभाववत्त्वेन प्रवेशः, अत्र तु तादृशान्योन्याभावाधिकरणत्वेन इत्यधिकरणत्वप्रवेशाप्रवेशाभ्यामेव भेदात्। अखण्डाभावघटकतया ३४ च नाधिकरणत्वांशस्य वैयर्थ्यमिति न
there also, even though such mutual absence is established, there the fault of too narrow application is not avoidable, because the reason exists in the substratum of that.
(38) Or that by the expression 'mutual absence which has the counter-positive-ness which abides in that which has that which is to be established,' the mutual absence that which has the counter- positive-ness determined by the state of having that which is to be established, is to be said. In this way there is no identity with fifth (definition) since a mutual absence which has the counter-positive-ness determined by the state of having that which is to be established is not included there, here (it is included) as a being a substratum of a such mutual absence. In this way there is difference from fifth definition, due to inclusion and non inclusion of state of being substratum, there is no uselessness of the part of substratum-ness, because it is a constituent part of one individual (akhand) absence 34, therefore there is no fault.
34. अखण्डाभाव—There are so many definitions of vyāpti, one of them is