द्वितीयं लक्षणम्
सम्यक्त्वादिति चेत्, न । अभावाभावस्यातिरिक्तत्वमतेनैतल्लक्षणकरणात् । तथा च अधिकरणभेदेन अभावभेदात् साध्यवद्भिन्ने घटे वर्तमानस्य साध्याभावस्य प्रतियोगिव्यधिकरणस्य प्रतियोगिमति गगनेऽसत्त्वादव्याप्तेरभावात् ।
___ (३३) न चैवं साध्याभावेत्यत्र साध्यपदवैयर्थ्यम् अभावाभावस्यातिरिक्तत्वेन द्रव्यत्वादेरभावत्वाभावात् साध्यवद्भिन्नवृत्तिघटाभावादेस्तु
be established would be useless. If it is said that the absence existence in that which has that qualified by existence in that which is different from that which has that which is to be established would be correct. This is not admitted because this definition is made by the opinion that the absence of absence is different from positive entity. Therefore there is no fault of too narrow application because the absence of that which is to be established exists, in the jar which is different from that which has that which is to be established and which (absence) dose not exist in that where counter-positive of it exists and that absence abides in ether which has counter-positive, due to difference in absence by substratum.
__ (33) It should not be argued that-in this way the word ‘that which is to be established', will be useless in the expression “the absence of that which is to be established because the absence of absence is different from positive entity hence the substance-ness is not an absence, the absence of a jar which exists in that which is different from that which has that which is to be established does not exist in the substratum of the